I've just deactivated my Facebook account. I came to the conclusion that I was only using it for stalking various hot girls I was never talking to, jerking off at their seemingly perfect photos; even if I attempted to talk to them, they wouldn't respond (probably because of an unattractive main photo of mine, and my lack of personal photos too). Apart from that, I was using it to see what the friends were updating (mostly personal stuff like photos of their parties or going to mountains), and was some times posting simple comments. Rarely was I using it for instant messaging or really talking man-to-(wo)man to someone. For that, there's the phone and Yahoo Messenger (or equivalents, should they become mainstream). Probably Skype later. No need for gossipy Facebook. Not to mention that journalists say that Facebook is used by employers to spy on my profile. Why the hell would I want that? I'd rather use LinkedIn as a public resume for that, later, as I gather more experience and skill.
Comparatively, I'd say wasting time on forums or blogs is healthier. I actually get to read something meant to be seen by everyone in the world (not just friends and fake friends who just want to spy) and express my opinion on it honestly, without trying to flirt. Anyway, I found that online flirting and trying to date only works if the girl also wants to do that. If she's not looking for men online, she won't respond kindly to my woos online. Besides, it's too easy to get disappointed when you meet them.
On to a new life, baby!